Wednesday 14 July 2010

The KiSwahili lessons are going well though it is intense and difficult and sometimes makes my head spin! Today we practised on people in the community - it seemed to go quite well. I thought I had a photo of my notebook to show you - maybe next time!

The food is great and our stomachs are coping (so far anyway).

More soon, Jenny


  1. Hi Jenny, can't wait to read about your adventures. Got your blog address from Rob Drummond. Best of luck with everything.
    Fiona, Kane & Anna Mitchell

  2. Thanks Fiona, Kane & Anna,
    I am so pleased people are interested in what we are doing!
    best wishes, Jenny

  3. Hi Jenny, sounds like you are in the thick of it there! I can relate to what you've written about; traffic can be quite exhausting! Keep well. Kym
