Saturday 21 December 2019

There's always something to do

The students finished for the year last Friday and have all returned to their villages for the Christmas break.  Most have gone on buses north, west and south.  The more remote have flown on FMS clinic days to their homes.  A pilot reported to me there were tears of joy from family when one of the amputees walked across the airstrip on his new leg without crutches!

Of course there was a party before departure - pilau, chicken and chips and salad.  We contributed three watermelons and a bag of lollies which were appreciated very much.

This week I have been making washable/reusable pads, and bags to keep them in, which will be distributed to school girls in the Usa River area by a Dutch NGO called 4ALLFoundation.  I’m making a trial production run of 100 pads and 20 bags to test time taken (remembering how to use a treadle machine was surprisingly quick!) and materials needed.  The production element that takes the longest time is the cutting out.  I have to figure out a way to speed that up - I’m sure applying mathematics will be the key!

So this week could have been a bit quiet.  The (American) dentist who comes occasionally to run free clinics (extractions and fillings) and distribute toothbrushes and advice had one day working out of the container next to the sewing room so I had plenty of company that day.  

Actually I received plenty of attention - someone using a sewing machine in a public setting must be selling something!  So I had people wandering in to see what they could buy.  Women really liked the idea and wanted to take them away then and there - I kept having to say they weren't ready yet (I still have press studs to sew on).  Men went one of two ways when I told them what I was making.  They either looked puzzled and embarrassed and went away quickly or tried to figure out alternate uses that would suit them.  It’s funny how men sometimes think there should be nothing that excludes them.  Anyway, if we can get excess production we’ll have no trouble selling (or giving away) the extras.

(The taboo around around discussing menstruation and sex is a huge problem so I was right in there telling men, women and children all about it - my swahili vocabulary is growing.)

This photo was on my Facebook a few weeks ago but I have included it for those who don’t see FB.  There are still so many things here that make us laugh!

And Happy Christmas to you all!

Love from Jenny

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