Thursday, 30 June 2011

Our Year is almost over – we fly back to Australia tomorrow!
We are spending these last few days in Dar es Salaam tidying up the last administrative details with the VSO Tanzania office and completing all the necessary end of placement reports.  It is a time to reflect on the last 12 months – Did we achieve what we wanted to achieve? Where do we go from here?

Steve and I entered the volunteering realm with what we thought were realistic expectations – we knew we would not redress centuries of injustice in one year.  We hoped to show the people with whom we would live and work that Australians knew about their circumstance and cared.  We also hoped to learn more about ourselves.  Our Year has given us so much more than that!

We have so many wonderful memories – sights, sounds, smells and experiences that cannot be adequately described.  Bukoba District - its people, its schools, its streetscapes and landscapes will be forever in our hearts.

Regular readers will know all we have done.  It just remains to say that we were farewelled in style and that we have promised to return. 

Kwaherini na asanteni sana!

I will do a ‘summary post’ in the next week or so and then move on to the next adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jenny, Congratulations on your amazing year. I'm sure that you have done a lot of good and have touched the hearts of lots of people. I hope that you have a safe trip back home and I look forward to hopefully seeing you again soon and hearing about your adventures. Take care. Love, Amelia
