Sunday 18 April 2010

An excellent day!

Thanks to Janna and her dad Heardy for letting me practice on their Suzuki 185 ag bike. I have been up and down their driveway and around and around their house this weekend while Fergus (oldish black labrador) lay in the sun watching me do laps and thinking the helmet was probably over-kill at the speeds I was doing. Today I feel a lot more confident about the whole motorbike riding thing. Janna has been very good getting it started for me ( the kick-start defeated me when it was cold) then seemingly ignoring my tentative efforts while still listening out for any potential disasters. I can now go up to 3rd gear and "look & lean" in corners rather than trying to wrench the handle bars around while going walking pace in 1st. Progress is being made!

On another front, progress is being made with the Red and the Blue. Consecutive wins for Melbourne Demons will be celebrated with red wine and blue cheese.
Go Dees!

1 comment:

  1. I was in the car (by myself) when the match finished on the radio, so I joined in the club song both at the end of the match and the rather more robust version from the rooms - just for you and Mum.
    And well done on the bike front, too.
