Sunday 3 August 2014

Nane nane

Sheepvention in Hamilton coincides with Nane Nane - the major Agricultural shows in Tanzania. Farmers' Day in on August 8th (8/8=nane nane) and is a Public Holiday (Hooray for public holidays on fixed dates - see previous post!) I plan to compare and contrast the two events!

Sheepvention in Hamilton goes for two days, two and a half if you count Saturday's street parade down Gray Street. The Nane nane show is open August 1 to 8. I went today, the third day, but will have to go back, probably on Friday, to see more. I could see there were more pavilions to be erected and I want to take more photos!

Here is a selection of today's photos.

Any amount of vegies.

Honey is big business in Tanzania - often for its health and healing properties.

Plenty of 'tat' for sale.

All the banks and telcos were there.

I hope the Solar man does good business.

Maize is an important crop here.

Called a "Sack garden" - very space efficient


Machinery for sale

and food

I bought fabric of course.

All ready for the prize giving.

Mixed pasture.

Brochures on pesticides

and lots of seed.

The only sheep at the show!