Monday 19 May 2014


Today we have reported for swahili language training at MS-TCDC at Usa River just outside Arusha.

The centre was originally set up by the Danish government and runs many courses to aid development in southern and East Africa. There are courses on issues such as governance, grant application and management, political accountability and child rights as well as language courses and academic courses.

On the way there from the Tulip I caught my first glimpse of the peak of Mt Meru. By the time I had my camera out it was back behind the cloud. I am still yet to see Mt Kilimanjaro but I have a year!

The MS-TCDC centre is set it in beautiful park-like grounds. The accommodation is on the campus here and all meals are provided. I will have been here a month before I have to cook for myself. The picture below shows my room - it is directly across the lawns from the bar and dining room.

I have been out with the binoculars but have only seen Maribou stork - and you don't need binoculars to see them. Maybe in the morning before breakfast I'll have more luck.