Sunday 22 June 2014

A birthday party

This afternoon I went to a birthday party.  It was for three boys who live at a children's home managed by a friend of mine. It was lots of fun!

Like all good parties there was food, cake, games and lots of laughter.

Apples are a treat for children in east Africa - these were imported from South Africa and were very tasty.

There were party hats and masks and best clothes for the occasion. Children from another home for OVCs (orphans and vulnerable children) just down the road were there too.

Kids all over the world love balloons, at least until they go 'bang' which African ones do very rapidly. (It's wise not to have too much faith in African rubber products and get imported ones if you can!)

The cake was soccer ball shaped in honour of the current World Cup.

 The birthday boys - Simon, Charlie and Moses.

Extra stickers to complement the traditional Maasai face tattoos.

Someone thought water pistols would be a good present!

On the trip home on the daladala an older Moslem man hopped on at the stop after mine. He had on the floor length white gown and white can. His white beard had been dyed bright orange and he had a live chicken in a plastic carrier bag with the head poking through a hole in the side of the bag. I wish I could have taken his photo - the sight made my day complete!