Saturday 7 June 2014

Sunpark Apartments

I moved into my little flat today.  It is very nice. I celebrated by opening my jar of vegemite. I also have a wedge of New Zealand cheddar from the local Pick'n'pay. Life is good!

Here is my kitchen. I've been shopping so have cleaning materials and lovely ripe mango, avocado and pineapple. I have an electric kettle but no saucepan or frying pan yet so meals will be simple until I have done a bit more shopping.

There are about 200 residences in this apartment complex. They range from studio flats to detached 5 bedroom houses. There are people everywhere outside - children playing on the grass, people exercising their dogs and cars coming and going. 

I don't know what my view will be when the cloud clears. I think I'll be looking in the wrong direction to see Mt Kilimanjaro or Mt Meru.

I'm in a block of 1-bedroom apartments that looks like this.

It's so different from our home in Bukoba! The flat is furnished and has a fridge and hot water in the shower. Luxury! It is light and freshly painted. It has all the eastern African idiosyncrasies too - locally made steel framed windows and rough workmanship everywhere. So far the electricity hasn't bitten me so that's a bonus!

On Monday I start work at the Umoja Centre. I'll let you know all about that next post!