Friday 27 June 2014

A teaching natural!

In typical style I'm working on many projects at once. My job description is vague enough that I can justify almost anything - the Director here has decided on 'Education Advisor' as my title as that allows scope for a multiplicity of action.

On my desk is a pile of acrylic yarn and a dozen pairs of knitting needles.  I started knitting a scarf just so I could see how far each ball would go. (30 stitches x 5 cm was the outcome from one ball on 4 mm needles) In coming weeks I will teach knitting to the "Sewing Club" members.

I have started on the grand scheme of redesigning the curriculum. That will require lots of consultation with all the stakeholders and so will be a very long term project. It's fun as well as a challenge working out what is essential for these young ones to know and understand. 

Much of my time though has been spent working with Miss Chuki, employed at Umoja as a social worker, but who will be teaching health and safe sexual behaviour to the students. HIV and AIDS are still a huge issue here as is unplanned pregnancy. Miss Chuki has had no teacher training so we have been working together on what she should teach and how it could be taught.

It has been a joy to work with her, she is so keen to do a good job and has great enthusiasm for the subject. She has put time into researching the topics and making little teaching aids for the students to use - like the circulatory system puzzle the students below are using.

She is a natural at classroom management and sensed this afternoon that the students had had enough and we switched to plan B - the students are watching an animated video on the digestive system from Youtube on my laptop.

They enjoyed the video - a definite change in teaching method for them! - and giggled as all kids do at the functioning of the rectum! I don't know whether they'd heard the verb 'to poop' before but they certainly got the meaning!