Monday 28 July 2014

Students on-line

Umoja students are very lucky compared with most Tanzanian school students - they have access to computers and to the internet. The computers are a mix of second-hand PC desktops accumulated over several years. They are in a network and connected to the internet - fast broadband generously donated by Habari, a Tanzanian internet company. 

Our students have IT classes where they learn to use MS-Word, Power Point and Excel, and how to browse safely, but we all know the internet can be a great time waster! There are so many distractions not the least of which is Beyonce's dancing!

My latest project is a web page to help the students with their internet use. I am trying to put together a mix of information pages and links to other sites that will help students use their time on-line more productively. It will also be a cheaper alternative to photocopying information for students to read - we have few text books here! - and will hopefully provide resources at a range of levels suitable for beginners and intermediates.

If any of my teacher friends know of good educational sites in geography, science, mathematics or english as a second language please let me know. And if you do look at the site and find there are 'broken links' let me know so I can fix them. Asanteni sana.